Happy Mother’s Day, mamas! I hope you all had a lovely day with your families! We had the BEST Mother’s Day weekend soaking up lots of family time, finishing up house projects, and prepping for Quinn’s 5th birthday!! On Mother’s Day Ryne answered our 5am wake up call from Conrad and let me sleep in. I woke up to fresh flowers and I got to drink my coffee while it was still hot. We strolled through the farmer’s market with a second hot cup of joe and picked up fresh pastries before heading to Home Depot to buy pumpkin plants (already building that fall hype in the Hammons household). Conrad took a long nap and we hit up our fav burger place for a late lunch. We topped the night off with homemade pizzas and kids covered in flour. It was perfect.
Had to share that picture above because this is real life! Quinn climbing all over everything and Conrad frantically trying to escape my loving grasp so he can follow suit.
Wishing the happiest Mother’s Day to every mama! I pray this day is filled with lots of slobbery baby kisses for you. You deserve it! I know firsthand that this day can bring lots of emotions to the surface. Whether you are holding your babies in your arms, in your tummy, or in your heart, know that this is your special day. XO