I can’t believe it has already been two months since this sweet boy came into our world! We are getting the hang of being a family of six. Ryne and I are both getting up in the night. I usually grab George from his basinet, feed him on one side in bed while I try to snag a few more minutes of sleep, then Ryne changes him and we all sit together while I feed him on the second side before laying him down again. New this month- we moved George’s bassinet into our bathroom so that we don’t hear every little grunt and squeak and I think we’re all sleeping much better for it.
Age: 2 months
Stats: 13.5 lbs (73rd percentile), 24.5″ (80th percentile) much bigger than our other kiddos!
New this month: He is much more wiggly this month and starting to gain some neck strength. He lifts his head and moves it from side to side. Yesterday was a very exciting milestone- rolling from tummy to back, courtesy of not loving tummy time. He does however love looking at faces and started giving us some smiles!
Language: Started cooing, saying “ooh” and “guh”.
Sleep: George is a decent sleeper. He’s going down between 8-9pm and usually waking twice in the night. But he did have his first 8.5 hour stretch on Sunday! We were asleep for almost seven hours of that, which felt so freaking good.
Eating: Breastfeeding every two to three hours during the day. We have not tried a bottle yet.
Ryne and I are tag-teaming parenting duties. He wakes up in the morning and gets the big kids off to school while I manage George, which usually means George and I are still asleep by the time he gets back from drop-off. We have managed to go on a few Friday night dates, with George as the cutest third wheel. It’s all going entirely too fast and I’m trying to soak up as much of this phase as humanly possible.