Miss Ivy is officially one whole month old! I swear it feels like we brought her home from the hospital just a few days ago, although I imagine that is largely due to lack of sleep making it difficult to distinguish one day from another 😉
Her cheeks are beginning to fill out and her thighs and wrists are developing the sweetest rolls! Her hair is still as thick and dark as ever, but I fully anticipate it will all fall out leaving her looking very much like her great grandpa Gary. She lights up every time she sees one of us and she’s been giving us so many smiles as of late! She is the snuggliest baby, wants to be held for all of her naps, and wakes up the second I even think of setting her down. We can see a resemblance between each of our kids, but mostly think she looks like her own person
Waking at all hours of the night has been so much harder than I remember (probably because we have two other kiddos we are chasing all day long and who are also waking us at all hours of the night). Ivy eats around 7:30pm, we rock in the glider and listen to Michael Bublé for a while (the same playlist we played for Quinn and Conrad) before she finally falls asleep around 8:30 or 9pm. She wakes again to eat around 4am (awake for about 45 min) and then wakes for the day at 6:30am.
Ivy Beatrice, we love you so much and you are the sweetest addition to the Hammons crew. Time is already flying by and although we wish we could keep you little forever we are SO excited to watch you grow! Happy one month, Ivy Bea!!