At 10 months old, George loves playing with his siblings, reading books, pushing buttons of all kinds, and stealing the fake grass out of our faux plant in the entry. Peek-a-boo is his current game of choice and he gets a really good laugh out of anyone fake falling or pretending his paci is their paci. He is so very loved by all of his siblings. They all still get so excited to see him when he wakes up or when they get home from school. He is the happiest, easiest baby (except for the part where he doesn’t sleep at night).

Age: 10 months
Stats: Last we checked, he was over 22lbs and is barely squeezing into his 12-18month sizes. This boy is large.
New this month: Walking along everything, waving, and the worst case of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease! So many blisters. Poor little buddy!
Language: Mama, Dada, nigh-nigh, milk, book which sounds like (buh-ph), toot (t-uh), poop (pff)
Sleep: For a second there, it looked like George might sleep through the night… but then he didn’t. Sleep has been so rough. Most nights look something like this- our sweet boy gets up around midnight, nurses in bed with me for 30 minutes, and then we try to transfer him to his crib. He cries. I take him back to bed with me for another 30 minutes. We try to transfer him again. He cries. He ends up in bed between us, smacking me in the face until sunrise.
But I’ve got to say, I really love feeling his little body curled up next to mine in the night. It really isn’t the worst and I know I’m going to miss it so much when he eventually sleeps in his own bed at night.
Teeth: Two little teeth popped through this month and it’s the cutest ever! Four more are on their way on top, which I’m sure are not going to help the sleep situation.
Food: This month, George started eating whatever we eat for dinner, which makes life so easy. He is still nursing throughout the day and I plan to continue to
Nicknames: Boo-boo, Piggy, Georgie

Favorite baby items for a 10-month-old:
- This play table has been a favorite of all our kids
- This cutie pacifier clip is a lifesaver
- Already wearing our new Christmas pajamas