It has been such a fun month with our sweet girl! Her personality is more apparent every day and we adore her so much. Look at that sweet face! I could eat her with a spoon!! She is such a loud baby. In our family of five she wants to make sure her voice is heard! She loves to squeal at the top of her lungs and blow spit bubbles at her toys. She gets so excited every time her brother or sissy comes to give her attention. She gets the biggest closed-eye smile on her face and wiggles her whole body back and forth. It is the cutest! She is not quite on the move yet, but definitely has an interest in being down on the floor near her siblings. Ivy Bea, we love you so!
Age: 7 months
Clothes size: 9 months. She must have hit a growth spurt, because it seemed like all of the sudden she chunked out of everything she owned. She is has already grown out of my favorite jammies and barely fit into the 6-9 month sized ones she’s wearing here.
New this month: Consistent morning naps (hooray!). Ivy is ready to nap about an hour and 45 minutes after she wakes for the day and sleeps for 2-3 hours. And her first Thanksgiving! We celebrated at my dad’s, everyone was healthy, and Ivy went ham on some sweet potatoes. This is what dreams are made of, friends.
Sleep: *Almost* sleeping through the night again. She goes down between 6:30pm and 7:30pm, but will wake an hour or so later demanding milk and snuggles. It’s not the worst, but it does make it hard to get a real date night these days and Lord knows we need it! We recently started sleep training her, so I’ll give an update on that next month.
Food: Semi-interested in eggs, rice, berries, yogurt, or meat. But mostly still not a fan of baby food.