In true mom style, this is almost a month late. But here she is… Quinn at 12 months!
Age: One
Stats: 18.5 lbs (30th percentile), 29.25 inches (55th percentile)
Teeth: 8
Words: She says “uh-uh!” which is the cutest version of uh-oh you’ve ever heard. Unfortunately, it is usually preceded by Quinn intentionally throwing her pacifier onto something disgusting, like the crevice between the airplane seat and the vent next to the body of the plane. Aaaannd… screaming. Lots and lots of screaming. Screaming is Quinn’s primary form of communication these days. So when we are in public, say at a restaurant, we have to get a little creative to keep the screaming to a minimum. #keepinitreal
New this month: Dancing, walking and baby kisses!! Seriously, I melt. She took her first steps on the 29th of April. She barely lifted her feet off the ground, but we were both there so we counted them as the first steps. Now she walks everywhere and insists on doing it all by herself!
Sleep: Sleeping until 8am (score!). It seems like we are awake for hours before she even peeks her eyes open each morning.
Food: We made the mistake of letting our daughter eat M&M’s and french fries while we were on our trip (see the part above about trying to minimize her screaming in public) and now she refuses to eat normal food. Parents of the year right here!