Age: 10 months
Clothes: Starting to fit into some 12-18 month sizes. Seeing her in some of Quinn’s vintage Gap jammies brings back the sweetest memories of baby Quinny.
New this month: Ivy is super mobile! She scoots all over the place chasing after her siblings and wreaking havoc on tidy lines of shoes and orderly piles of laundry. She is also pulling herself to standing on just about everything and made her first attempt at climbing the stairs this month.
Language: Saying “mama”, “dada”, and “night night”. Signing “all done” and “more” (and MAY be saying it). She is also responsive to the word “no” and, of course, “milk”!
Sleep: Sleeping like an absolute champ! She is definitely our best sleeper and I am so happy to report that, one month after totally throwing off her sleep schedule in Maui, Ryne and I are back to weekly date nights after Ivy goes down for the night. And this month, she officially transitioned to one nap per day, which is usually 2-3 hours long.
Food: New food interests this month include yogurt with peanut butter, bananas, and meat. Still enjoying blueberries, grapes, and eggs. Vehemently rejects avocado. Mostly still a lover of cookies, bread, and breast milk.