Our Quinny bear is almost three and a half. And- oh my gosh- her sense of humor is really developing, which is an absolute hoot! She’s a super easy, well-behaved kid with an emotional maturity that rivals most young adults’. She’s growing out of her baby face and looking like such a big kid these days.
Milestones: This big three-year-old is potty trained! Except at night when she still wears a pull-up just in case 😉 The week before her 3rd birthday we put Quinn on the toilet, explained to her that we were all done with diapers, and by some toddler-miracle our kid was potty trained by the end of the day. We seriously have no idea how it happened. Honestly, I just think she was old enough and ready. We also managed to nix the paci and transition her into a real twin bed. It’s been a busy summer.
Favorite activities: Her scooter is her jam right now and she does surprisingly well cruising around our neighborhood during our evening walks. She loves to have her nails painted and then turn around and “dig the dirt”. We recently introduced her to water balloons and I immediately regret that decision.
Favorite foods: Mac & cheese annnd some more mac & cheese. She enjoys a wide range of foods, but given the option she’ll always choose mac & cheese. Some of us never grow out of this phase. Black cherries and cherry popsicles have been a big hit his summer! She’s also loving Babybel cheese lately. Mostly, I think she likes unwrapping them and hiding the trash for me to find two weeks later.
Favorite movies: Still loving Tangled. She lost it when we bought her a Rapunzel Halloween costume at Costco a few weeks ago. She wore it for three days straight and now our house is covered in a light, but very real, layer of gold glitter.
Obsessed with: She wants to wear a dress every day. I bought all sorts of adorable summer shorts and tops that never got worn. We’re going to have to get creative this fall to extend the life of some of her dresses.
Funny things she says: She randomly named one of her stuffed bunnies “Sharon”. She’ll say “Sheeran” and then laugh. It’s like she knows it’s an old lady name and she thinks it’s hilarious.
A few weeks ago, she was devastated to see me pack away some of her princess dresses that were too small, but she felt resolved knowing that “baby brother will want to wear them.” What do I know? Maybe he will.