Conrad turned a whole 3 months on Wednesday! Every day he is looking less like a potato and more like his sister, which is so much fun to see. He is just over 12 lbs and is on the cusp of moving up to 3-6 month sizes. All of his hair that fell out around Easter seems to have grown back in and my absolute favorite- his thigh and wrist rolls finally made an appearance! His sleep schedule is getting slightly more predictable. He usually goes to bed around 7 or 8pm and will sleep until 4am before he needs to eat again, and then sleeps until 6am or so when he wakes up for the day. We moved him to his crib when he was around 2 weeks old (10 full days later than we moved Q into her own room) and we all sleep better for it. During the day, he takes 2-3 naps for an hour or two each. We recently borrowed this sleep suit from our friends that is supposed to help babies sleep. Conrad slept 10 hours straight the first time he wore it and Ryne and I laughed our butts off at him looking like a giant marshmallow/the Michelin man. When he is awake, he has two favorite activities: 1) breastfeeding and 2) snuggling until it’s time to breastfeed again. We rarely call him by his name. Mostly he goes by “brother” and “bubs”. And now nap time is over, which means it’s time for favorite activity #1.
Conrad 3 Months
Happy Monday!