Stats: 17lbs 15oz
New this month: TWO TEETH! They popped through right after Thanksgiving and they make him look so big! He is going to be asking us to borrow the car for dates when? Like tomorrow? Ugh, but those toothy baby smiles are seriously the cutest. He is pulling himself to standing, mostly when a fall would certainly result in a major head injury like while sitting in a highchair or the Target cart.
Favorite things: All the food. Smearing it in his hair and pants. Feeding the dogs his cheerios. He had his first taste of ice cream at Moo Time while we were in San Diego and LOVED it. Solo Home Depot runs with daddy.
Least favorite things: Tooth 3 is the pits. Poor baby woke up crying 4 times last night. Being fed with a fork.
Nicknames: Bubber. The Bub. Big fat boy.
Language: He stopped saying ‘mama’ and everything is now ‘Da da’. He tries to say Sissy, but it comes out more like ‘Deeh’.