Tomorrow is the big day! We go in at 7am tomorrow morning for my induction. Admittedly, I already miss Quinn. It’s going to be hard to be away from her over the next few days, but she is going to have the best 3-night sleepover with her 9-year-old aunt! Baby boy will be entering the world in less than 24 hours and we are over the moon excited to meet him!! It feels just like Christmas Eve and there is NO WAY I’m going to be able to sleep tonight.
How far along: 39 weeks & 2 days
Size of Baby Hammons: Baby boy is about 7 lbs
Weight gain: 19.5 lbs
Stretch marks: Yes, and I’ll wear them like a badge of honor. I earned every single one of them and they will forever remind me of the precious time each of my children spent growing inside of my body.
Belly button in or out: Out just ever so slightly
Sleep: Sleep is still decent. Rolling over is another story.
Best moment this week: Celebrating our last day as a family of three! Ryne and I took Quinn to breakfast this morning and then to the park. It was 70 degrees outside. Warm weather is good for the pregnant soul.
Miss anything: Being able to keep up with Quinn (or anyone for that matter).
Movement: It’s getting pretty cramped in there. I think this little guy is ready to pack it up and make his grand entrance!
Cravings: Lots of sweets and crazy cravings for a margarita. But if I can’t have a margarita, let there at least be tacos and queso!
Labor signs: Lots of painful contractions last night and this morning! They are still sporadic, but I wouldn’t be all that surprised if I’m already in labor when I check-in at the hospital for my induction tomorrow morning.
Looking forward to: Our son’s birthday TOMORROW!